Powering the next generation
Void-filling entrepreneurs, with ambitious goals of securing Australia's next future.

We are believers in value creation and co-benefiting in all our business mottos. In a society with limited resources, we believe zero-sum business conduct is never the way to go. We see successful business coming from striving for maximized value creation through innovation and creativity to our targeted customers and the shareholders of the company, value-creation is ingrained into our corporate DNA.
On a mission to empower teams
We are a mission-driven team with the mindset to maximise the value generated for all stakeholders of the company.
We aim to provide a stage with equilibrium in maximising the benefits and values to clients, employees, and shareholders.
We don't see ourselves as the leaders of the company but as the forerunner, providing a set of mission and value-driven products, forming passionate team members, finding the right capital partner that sees the value and providing the best possible solutions for the customers who entrust us with our product.
Our Vested Interest
We have had numerous involvements in the below industries in our past projects.
The list below illustrates our interests and participation.
Medical Softwares
We have undergone deep research and due diligence of the problems in the medical industry and are currently developing a medical-related solution
Manufacturing Hardware
We have had experiences empowering traditional manufacturing with innovative technology solutions to optimize quality and efficiency.
Productivity Tools
We develop and utilize internal development tools to optimize software development efficiency.
Education Software
We have had numerous experiences of researching and operating educational softwares in real settings
HR Technology
We are currently developing a close-knit and easy-to-use software to maximize human and productive efficiency in organizations.
FM Technology
Our software integrates seamlessly with mainstream accounting software for complete financial oversight.

Keeping you in the loop
Check back frequently for the latest update about Edcursion
Our Core Team Members
From Engineering, Medical and Manufactureing. We've got it all. Connect with one of our members today to set up a meeting.
David Ngo
Jack Lin